Learn About CTH

Connection to Health (CTH) is an online program designed to help patients improve their health through carefully planned lifestyle changes, with active support from their primary care team.

CTH contains four parts:

  1. A comprehensive Patient Health Survey with a personalized Summary Report that helps patients and their primary care team to identify opportunities for healthier lifestyle choices and better health.
  2. An interactive process to help the patient select realistic goals and develop a step-by-step Action Plan for better health, actively supported by their primary care team.
  3. A set of Health Tips to assist with the development of the action plan, and a set of national and local resources to support successful completion of action plans that are created.
  4. A set of tools for patients to track progress and to help primary care teams follow up to support ongoing success and movement toward healthier lifestyle choices and better health.

Important notice for patients! Unlike many other online health care programs, CTH is specifically designed to be used with the active engagement and approval of your healthcare team. The program is not a substitute for comprehensive medical care or other important guidance you receive from your doctor or other healthcare team members. If you have any concerns about your health, talk to your doctor.

CTH was developed at the University of California, San Francisco, and the University of Colorado in collaboration with community stakeholders and with research funding from the National Institutes of Health. Website programming, design, and maintenance are provided by IEQ Technology, Inc.

Contact Us

To learn more about the Connection to Health project please contact the Project Team at: cth@ucsf.edu | 415-476-5679

For technical questions related to Connection to Health please contact: info@ieqtechnology.com