Health Tips

Colorado / Managing Diabetes / Being Active

2. Being Active! Physical Activity: It can greatly help control diabetes.

Why is physical activity so important to managing diabetes? Part of the answer if that physical activity directly affects cell function. When you are active, your cells become more sensitive to insulin so they can work more efficiently. During exercise, your cells also remove glucose from the blood. As you lower blood glucose, your A1C can improve. As you lower your A1C, you may need fewer diabetes pills or less insulin.

Before beginning a physical activity program, please check with your doctor and healthcare team about any health risks or precautions you may need to take regarding medications you may be taking. If you are taking certain medications to control your blood glucose, your doctor and healthcare team may recommend that you check your blood glucose levels before and after physical activity.

Physical activity provides so many benefits to your health and quality of life.

The short list includes:

What kinds of physical activity can help me?

Diabetes can be better controlled when you are physically active. There are 4 kinds of activity that can greatly help you control your diabetes. They are:

  1. Aerobic exercise (strongly recommended)
  2. Strength training (strongly recommended)
  3. Stretching
  4. Extra regular active every day

Please see My Physical Activity section of this website for more tips and tools and resources for physical activity