Health Tips
Colorado / My Physical Activity / My Tips and Tools / Tips
Too tired to exercise/ I am too pooped
Remind yourself that exercise improves energy
This is the number one reason people blow off their “get moving” session. Know this though: Studies have shown that regular physical activity can improve energy. If you don’t believe it, commit to a week of exercising and see if you notice a difference.
Wake up your mind and body
Change the time of day you exercise
Change the time of day you exercise, so you are not too tired to exercise at the end of the day.
Set up a brief time to be active during the work day
Set up a brief time to be active during the work day, get up 30 minutes early to walk, or walk at lunch.
Set your computer or watch to beep every hour
Set your computer or watch to beep every hour reminding you to get up and take a short walk or leave yourself a voicemail reminder to go outside and take a walk.
Have it all set up and ready to go
Pack your gym bag the night before a workout day and have it ready to go. Or, put your workout clothing on before you leave work or right when you get home. If you have your walking shoes on, you might just be inspired to…walk!
Avoid all or nothing thinking
If you don’t feel like exercising, don’t throw in the towel. Instead do what you can. Take a 10-minute walk if you can’t go for your usual 30 minutes.