Health Tips
Colorado / My Eating Habits / My Fat Intake / My Tips & Tools / Tips
I don‘t know how to decline offers of unhealthful food
For people who work hard to eat low-fat foods, social situations can raise concerns, fear, and even apprehension. Try:
Learn how to decline food gracefully
If a friend or co-worker breaks out a bag of mini candy bars, ask yourself, “Am I going to feel better if I have one?” You can learn the habit of saying no and moving on—and of saying yes only if you really want to.
Say that you are full
When people offer you high-fat food that they have proudly prepared, you can say it looks wonderful, but that at the moment you are full.
Be assertive
It is inevitable that someone, somewhere, sometime will urge you to try a high-fat food that does not fit within your eating plan. You can assert yourself and just say “No, thank you.”
Enlist social support
Asking for the help and support of friends and family members can be a great way to avoid unhealthful food temptations. Let them know that you are serious about eating lower-fat food, and ask them not to offer you “even one piece of candy.”